Naiden Kirov AD

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Eyad Aburaya

Eyad Aburaya

Project Manager & Head of Maintenance

My name is Eyad Aburaya, born in 1969 in Jaljulia Israel, in a large family. My father was a farmer and my mother a housewife. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive. From a young age, I loved basketball and acting. I dreamed of becoming an actor, but Fate sent me to AMAL Technical College, where I studied to be a technician. 1 year after I graduated, I attended courses in the field of electronics. I started working at Electronetech as Chief Energy Engineer, from 1990 to 2002. In 2002 I came to Bulgaria, to “Naiden Kirov” plant and worked there until 2007 as a Technical Consultant. In the same year, I started working in a factory of the Automotive Industry in Ruse, where I was Production Manager until 2014. Then I left with my family for USA, in the role of Factory Manager. In 2021, we finally returned to Ruse – that time the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world and everyone’s life. After a short gap in the textile industry, I started in 2023 working again at “Naiden Kirov” as an Project Manager and Head of Maintenance.

After so many years in different industries and productions, meeting different professionals and gaining a lot of experience, nostalgia brought me back here. “Naiden Kirov” is special for me – not many old Bulgarian factories are still alive and have a future. I believe that the combination of the old experienced personnel and young educated new comers – we have the recipe for success and can cope with any challenges.